SHOLAT, *trust me it works.

by - Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Sebelum ini revita pernah post "2015" dimana revita ngeluarin keluhan ttg 2015, ada satu kata itu bunyi nya gini "

Pernah ga sih kalian ngerasa kalo kalian  lagi jatuh tp ga ada satu pun yg peduli?
Pernah kan? "
Revita masih ingat kalimat ini?
U know what u re wrong if u are saying that there's no one care about u when u have Allah.
Revita, honestly bukan yg dekat bgt sama Allah, Revita juga lg usaha untuk mendekatkan diri, i found that Allah mmg akan selalu ada untuk kita, when u have problem, when u miss ur family, when u nothing to say bcuz it's really sucks, go, wudhu and sholat, trust me it's works,

This is my personal experience, it was a big problem, it was killing me inside, no one to listen to my problem, bcuz my parents is not here, yes there is always family that will looking for us, listen to our story, and always support us. but how when we are really far away from them? 
it's was a long night, i was crying bcuz i can't handle the pain anymore, when everybody was sleeping i was overthinking, i was trying to google "bagaimana cara mengikhlaskan something" trust me i really googled it, hahaha. so Revita ambil wudhu and revita sholat, sampai menangis Revita cerita in semua nya pada Allah, n u know what after that i feel safe, tenang, and realised that everything will be okay, maybe today is suck but not tomorrow, maybe today is not your day, but remember that hari akan berganti, and everything will  be better. 

And u know what revita ada satu temen yg selalu ngingetin revita, Hafiidh, tq.

so if u have problem go bersihkan diri by wudhu and sholat, ceritain semua nya sama Allah karena hanya allah yg tau apa yg terbaik untuk kita, Allah know everything.
i realised that when u have no one to listen to you, no one cares, you still have Allah, 
Allah yg akan selalu ada untuk kita.

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